SEO | Search Engine Optimization -

SEO | Search Engine Optimization

Improving your site in organic search results

SEO - Search Engine Optimization

SEO is also known as Search Engine Optimization. This is a relatively complex process to improve the quality of a website, in fact. Many small adjustments and adjustments are made during the process to help with the overall overall effect.

Although the process itself is meticulous and a lot of detail needs to be paid attention to, in the long run the work invested will pay off.
SEO Cover

How does SEO work?

Many people are unfamiliar with the concept of Search Engine Optimization and, in fact, often confuse it with paid advertising. The first and foremost thing about this is that SEO is not an immediate solution. We don’t get to the top of the search results right away (or in the short term). SEO is certainly a long process and it can take weeks or months for the results to appear. However, these results can be kept stable with some aftercare. And this is preceded by a well-thought-out and carefully designed planning and workflow. There are several branches of SEO. I do Technical / On-Page SEO. If you feel I can help you with this, ask for a quote or contact me.

What types of SEO does exists?

It is worth noting that there are several types of search engine optimization. But let's just look at what these are:

Technical SEO

Technical structure
Website speed
Crawl (not disabled)
Security (SSL)
Structured data
Image sizes

On-Site SEO

Alt- tags
Character or word number
Content (image, text, video)
Meta tags

Off-Site SEO

Outbound and inbound links
If you feel that your site needs search engine optimization, or you don't have one yet, but would like an SEO website / webshop, ask me for a quote. Bidding is free, and during the free consultation we can also discuss exactly what you would need. It doesn’t cost anything, but it’s worth a conversation. You can request a quote by clicking the button below:
Free Quote

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