What is a domain and what is hosting?


What is a domain?

In this post, we’ll cover the concept of domain and hosting. As I’ve indicated in previous posts, this blog was (also) created with the goal of trying to bring the world of WordPress closer to those who have never met it in plain language.

As an educator, I try to keep a compass in front of my dear reader to make it easier to find my way around this area in the future.

A domain name is an easy-to-remember text version of an IP address. The IP address is the number of numbers where we (that is, the webserver that contains our website) are available to.

An IP address looks like 192.168. 1.1 <- this is the HOME IP address, which means that we can search for it in our current location – the availability of our own router.

The domain is used to associate a name/address that can be interpreted by anyone with this IP address. For example, peterteszary.com.

What is storage?

And hosting is actually where your website is “physically”. This is storage space created on a physical computer, in this case a server, that is scaled according to your particular subscription package (storage size) and configured (the environment required to run the website). These usually come with an interface where mail, SSL certificate, server settings, FTP, PHP version, etc. are included. can be set.

In summary and simplified

So the domain is the address where you ask for the pizza and the hosting is the house where you taste it. A slightly simplified analogy, but so maybe even easier to see through. And these two need to be linked together to make sure the courier takes the pizza to the right place.

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