Why WordPress? – Part 1


Tags: WordPress

Why WordPress?

Countless posts have already been made on the subject. Many people have already dissected the topic in English and Hungarian. Many like it and many downright hate it, but one thing can’t be denied: WordPress is very popular.

As a web designer, I also vote for WP. The reason is very simple: because 37.1% of (all) websites on the Internet use the WordPress engine. (Source: https://bit.ly/2KJ5MXM) And 63.4% of websites that use CMS systems. The framework itself is free and provides plenty of opportunities to turbo-charge our site. This is important just because there are so many customer needs. No two websites are alike.

Okay, but what is WordPress?

WordPress is a CMS framework.

But what does CMS mean?

CMS is an English acronym that stands for Content Management System. It would basically be a blog engine, but it has received countless add-ons over the years and has undergone a lot of changes (The first (0.7) version was released on May 27, 2003, by Matt Mullenweg and Ryan Boren.). As a result, it covers a very large area in terms of what it can be used for in the online world.

We can use it to build a portfolio website, a webshop, or even a reservation system for restaurants. Anything. In fact, I can say that its usability can only be limited by our imagination.

Of course, there are several types of CMS systems such as Joomla, Drupal, etc., but the most popular is WordPress. That’s why a lot of people attack. Because every system, like WordPress, has its weaknesses. The positive argument in favor of WP, however, is that it is due to its popularity that new updates, improvements, and additions are constantly coming to it.

Open source system

WordPress is an open-source framework that already has a very popular camp around the world. Many talented developers because of needs arose, or precisely because he did not find a solution to his or her problem when he or she was looking for, creating self-developed plugins for WordPress. What the plugins are and what they are good for, I will also cover in a later post.

Everyone wants to use your site for something else. Someone just wants to run your blog here, but there are those who want to build a complete store in the online world. This can also be done with WP.


How It Works

Basically, we need to understand how wp pages work. WordPress pages consist of page files and a database. The two don’t work without each other. Imagine this (with a very simplistic example, for which I apologize in advance to professional readers, but I try to describe things in layman’s language in layman’s terms) that the WP files are the caste of the database and the engine itself.

The installation of the framework itself is relatively simple, although there are many mistakes that can be made into uninitiated hands. It is worth asking a specialist for help if you want to make your own page, but of course, we can cut it in ourselves.

You have to be aware that if you just want to try yourself, you can “play” WordPress without further ado, but if you want a truly unique and clean page, you might want to ask an expert to help you create your site because there are a lot of little tricks that it is better for a serious website to be done competently.

I will return to the subject later. This was just an introduction so far.

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