Web Design

For your online presence

Music Centrum logó


In addition to ongoing consultation, I will prepare the materials needed for your online presence. Image design, content creation for social platforms, business card and much more.


One of the important if not the most important elements of your business is your logo. This is your trademark, your logo, your superhero sign. People will identify you with this wherever they meet you. It is important that it is easy to remember, simple, and most importantly unique. I can help you with that. It only takes one step to have your new logo or renew your old one.


An important milestone for a business brand is the life of its own website. This will be your own base, which is just yours. Fortunately, I can help make the point the way you want it to be. And if you’re still unsure or where to go, I’m here to help. We will design the look of your page together and of course I will help you with the actual implementation.


Many people struggle to have a good appearance on Social media interfaces. But not only a good look is important, but also that it is uniform on all surfaces. This will also help you be identified. To be found out of a thousand. I need good creatives for social networking sites and I’m here to help.
Szegedi Lábtenisz egyesület mockup


Although our world is becoming more and more digital, print materials can still be useful. Business card, flyer, posters. Anything a little tangible in today’s world. If a business or brand gives up a little, it will surely have at least a business card, logo folders in which the customer will receive the price offer or just a deadline diary made in their own style. I'm here to help.
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